Sunday, April 28, 2019

April 25, 2019 - David

David took excellent poses, both long and short.  Some of the artists present for this session were Myles Aronowitz, Trine Giaever, Isaac Sapoznikow, Diana, Adrian Menicelli, Allan R, Peter Bellin, RGB, Edi Sandoval, Diana, Bill Gnitchel, Janet Hamlin, and Christie Washburn.



Monday, April 22, 2019

April 18, 2019 - Christina

Christina is lovely to draw.  Among the artists whose work is shown here were Jamey Jackson, Trine Giaever, Myles Aronowitz, Isaac Sapoznikow, Diana, Louis Spitz, Peter Bellin, James H, IP, JH, Shelly Luan, D Koch, Ira Rifken, Don Price, Edi Sandoval, Dan Springer, Bill Gnichtel, Sandy Bandes, Janet Hamlin, and Christie Washburn.

This coming Thursday April 25 Nyack Center is closed, but Robbie will be there for us, so the drawing group will meet as usual.