Saturday, April 12, 2014

No Session 4/17 due to construction; back 4/24

Hello artists,

A reminder will NOT have a session during Spring Break, April 17, due to construction.
We'll return the following Thursday April 24th- to a newly painted and refloored room!

Note that upcoming models are now on a panel above, which I will update regularly. Sometimes last minute the model will change, but we do strive to keep the gender as scheduled when possible.

Have a great Spring Break and see you all on the 24th!

Janet &

April 10 Figure drawing at Nyack Center. ::NO SESSION 4/17::

Eliot did a fine job modeling for us, as always. Artists whose work is shown here include:
Jim McNaughton, Meaghan Greene, Lauren Boer, A., Andrew DeBellis, Ocean Scheyd, Kyle Tracey, Nataha Orlando, Sayka Tonashes,Blanca Matsumoto, and Janet Hamlin.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Figure drawing session April 3, 2014- clothed model studies

Ocean was our clothed model, with a dramatic black dress and hair. Fun to draw! Artists whose work is shown here include: Allan R., Kyle Tracey, Eliza Nappi, Connie Kozelek, Lauren Boer, Meaghan Greene, A. and Janet Hamlin.

Nyack Center is renovating the floors and doing various construction, and is closed to the public during this for safety reasons. 

After that we are back to our regular schedule of meeting every week. Our model for next session April 23 will be female, Genoveva.

Our local Nyack Library has fellow figure artist Trine Giaver's work on display:
Paintings by Trine Giaever are on display at the Nyack Library thru April 30th April 30