Wednesday, May 28, 2014

May 19 Figure drawing session

We had Izebel as our model- no reason we have nicknamed her the 'White Rock' model, with all the grace of the famous logo. Happy to report we have her again this week! So those that missed last week, have another opportunity to draw an excellent female model.  A note to all of you.. this program exists because of the energy and enthusiasm you all bring(Lauren- even with a broken foot! :)). You'll be happy to hear we are drawing all the way through July! Christie will be running those sessions. We break August, and return second week of September. Be sure to check back for updates.
The artists whose work is shown here include :
Allan R., A., Sandy Bandes, Lauren Boer, Connie Kozelek, Wendy Lewis, Suzette Martin, Christine Randoph, Daniel Rush, Ocean Scheyd, Russ Eike, Amber Eike, Jim McNaughton, Blanca Matsumoto, and Janet Hamlin.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 15th Figure Drawing Session

We had a new male model, Richard, who inspired some good studies. Artists whose work is shown here include: Christie Washburn, Lauren Boer, Janet Hamlin, A., Christina Wright, Meaghan Greene, Ocean Scheyd, Trine Giaever, Zacha Tuttle, Marcia Heisler, and Chris Randolph.
This coming Thursday we have a female model, Izebel.