Sunday, April 26, 2015

April 23, 2015 session

Eliot modeled for us and always provides great inspiration as the above can attest. Great turnout! Artists whose work is shown here include: Allan R., Connie Kozelek, Donna Timm, Jamey Jackson, Billy Joe Everson, /don Price, Janice Baragawanath, Edi Sandoval, Sandra Bandes, Jeff, RGB, Katie Wiebicke, Janet Hamlin, and Christie Washburn. 
Our first figure drawing show in quite a while is going up this First Friday on display at Gina Lisa! Come check the work out from 5-7, or swing by later. It will be up for a month. Many thanks to NAC's Donna Timm for making it happen. Any volunteers to help her hang the work on Thursday please contact me and I'll forward her information.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Show your work May 1- submissions due April 26 latest

Our figure drawing group has been invited to show a selection of female model figure drawings at Gina Lisa's Lingerie Boutique on Broadway in Nyack during the month of May, for a "Homage to Women". The opening will coincide with Nyack Art Collective's First Friday on May 1st. 

MAY 1- MAY 31

-There is no fee to enter, if you are selling put price on work. GL will take 30% commission

-Framed drawing/painting of female figure from our sessions, with wire on back for hanging. You may submit more than one piece, we will make every effort to hang as much as possible. Please limit to 3 pieces at most, however. 

-Drop off work at next figure drawing session April 23, or following weekend April 26th latest at:
81 Jefferson St. Nyack NY

Contact Nyack Artist Collective's Donna Timm if you questions:

-Between 5-8pm you will be invited to talk to visitors to the store during that time and talk about your work.

It's going to be a great, art-filled night! 

April 16, 2015 figure session-Pam

We had a new model, Pam- she was excellent. Great variety of poses, well-trained figurative model. Our thanks to Anatoly for the referral.
Quite a turnout-perhaps post-tax relief, or a Spring creative surge in the air, there was wonderful energy in the room last night.
Artists whose work is shown here include: Allan R., Connie Kozelek, Russ Eike, Donna Timm, Andy Carden, Jessie Freese, Adam Koplowite, Eddy Sandoval, Kyle Tracey, Sandra Bandes, Chris Knight, Ellen Rix, Jeff, Don Price, RGB, Christie Washburn, Lauren Boer, and Janet Hamlin. 
These sessions would not happen without all of you. A shout-out for the extra time and energy some of our artists  are able to give by setting up, baking, booking models, and otherwise facilitating.