Sunday, July 5, 2015

Haverstraw arts festival next weekend July 11 12-6pm

Haverstraw Riverarts and Music Festival is coming up this weekend! Here is the flyer, or check their site out at:

Also, there are many figure drawing venues in the city and around. I've found this great site:

See you when we return  September 10th for our regular weekly sessions Thursday nights!

June 25th 2015 figure drawing session. On summer break now, returning Sept. 10

A great night of art-making with Zach as our model. Wonderful turnout!
Artists whose work is shown here include: Allan R., Billy J E, Roger Muzii, Kyle Tracey, Connie Kozelek, Ray Lagstein, RGB, don Price, Barbara Kapestin, Anna Herman, Jamey Jackson, Sandy Bandes, Ellen Rix, Donna Timm, Lorraine Roes, Dan White, Lauren Boer, Christie Washburn, and Janet Hamlin. 

We are on break over Summer, back Sept. 10th to our regular sessions Thursday night every week. Enjoy your summer!