Sunday, November 20, 2016


We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

We are grateful to the Nyack Center for the space in which we create, to the models who inspire us, and to all of you, who keep this program going. 

Donna, Christie and Lauren,  thank you for the incredible baked treats every week. Alan, Thank you so much for helping us set up and track our funds. 

Lauren, thank you for being our 'scrubbing bubble' in cleaning up before we arrive. 

Christie, you have been phenomenal with booking the models and running the sessions. There is no way I could continue to keep this program going the way it has without you.

Anatoly, Russ, and Alan thank you for giving us model recommendations.

And last but not least, we thank Nyack Center's  Robbie, thank you so much for keeping the Nyack Center open past hours so we can draw until 10pm, and coming in during Nyack Center breaks so we can keep going.

It takes a village! Stay warm, until next week-

Janet, Christie, Lauren, Alan, and Donna

Saturday, November 12, 2016

November 17, 2016 session- Tony

Artists who attended this session include: Sandy Bandes, Christie Washburn, Janice B., Dan Springer, Isaac Sapaznikov, Jamey Jackson, Don Price, Jessica Hurban, Nikita Lagdo, Heidy Rodriguez, Edi Sandoval, Atesh Sakanya, Janet Hamlin and Lauren Boer.












Nov. 10, 2016 drawing session

We are truly fortunate to have such great models. Mavis posed beautifully, inspiring these lovely studies. Artists whose work is shown here include: Dan Springer, Isaac Sapoznikow, Edi Sandoval, Nikita Lagda, Jessica Hurban, Joeseph Werfel, Don Price, Christie Washburn, Lauren Boer, Alan Rosenberg, and Janet Hamlin.