Monday, July 2, 2018

June 28, 2018 - David

David modeled for us for the first time, hopefully the first of many times.  Among the artists present were Bill Gnitchel, Kai Granowski, Peter Bellin, Don Price, Owen G, Solange, Isaac Sapoznikow, Norma Singh, Graceanne Malloy, Cass McVety, David, Susan, Max, Celina Bertoncini, Dan Springer, Sandy Bandes, Lauren Boer, Allan Rosenberg, Janet Hamlin, and Christie Washburn.

I want to thank the artists who share their work with me and everyone else in this blog.  I am inspired seeing the work, and seeing the artists develop. Each of us has a unique vision.

We are taking a break for July and August.  We will start again the first Thursday after Labor Day, September 6.  Have a good summer!

Here is a list of classes and drawing sessions that meet during the summer, compiled by Allan.

Open drawing sessions:

Martin Glick studio at Garner Arts Center, Monday 10 AM-1 PM, $20
RAI, Monday evenings 7:30-10:30
Rockland Center for the Arts, Tuesday morning
Master Arts Studio in Ridgewood NJ, Weds 8 - 10:30 PM
Master Arts Studio Saturday 3:30-6:30 PM


RAI Monday morning
ROCA Tuesday evening
Master Arts Studio Sunday morning
Sculpture studio in Nyack, contact Bill Gnichtel, time not yet set

Here are the pictures, sorry for the delay!











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