Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 22, 2013 Figure drawing session

A rainy night never holds these artists back.. streets were flooding but our session marched onward.
Our model was the excellent Eliot. Artists whose work is shown here include: Sarah Gallina, Tara Holland, Daniel Rush, Christie Washburn, Ellyn Rabinowitz, Max Olsen, Oliver Volo, Andrew DeBellis, Connie Kozelek, Carol Volo, Lauren Boer, Allan Roserberg, Gabriella Moreno, Patrick J. Mitchell, and Janet Hamlin. We were heartwarmed to welcome some of our artists who are back for summer break from college! 
We will continue drawing through the month of July (NO SESSION JULY 4TH) with a break in August, and then starting back up weekly again in September.
Next week our model is a female, Izabel**. 
**Please note that occasionally the model can change if there is a cancellation.

Monday, May 20, 2013

May 16, 2013 figure drawing session


Our model this evening was Zac, who stepped in to sub for what was supposed to be a female model night. He was superb, striking excellent poses. The artists whose work is shown here include: Allan Rosenberg, Connie Kozelek, Christina Alamo, Donna Timm, Sandra Bandes, Louis Spitz, Rachel Gordon Bernstein, Anatoly, Oliver Volo, Max Obern Ocean Scheyd, Audra Zodoso, Johnathan Wilborn, Andrew DeBellis, Khyle Tracey, Marcia Heisler, Lauren Boer, Carol Volo, and Janet Hamlin.